Donations accepted until mid-February
help make this event a success |
Donating an item for a raffle basket or silent auction is simple. You can donate individually or donate with your friends/family.
Your donation(s) will be recognized in our Event Program. |
Need inspiration?When you are ready to make a donation, click the button below:
Here's a list of items that make a great gift.
amazon wishlist |
If you still are not sure what to donate, please take a look at our Amazon Wish List and purchase an item here or use it as a donation guide.
Got Connections? |
Do you know someone who can make a donation - Theater Tickets, Sports Games Tickets, Popular Destination Tickets, Services - to help our Spring Fling event (i.e., photography, photo booth, floral arrangements, decorations)?
We want to talk to you! Please complete the form below. |
Donations are tax deductible WE ARE A 501(C) |
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