Fathers, mothers, grandparents, care providers, etc.
Stay at home workers, part time to full time parents, high schoolers, college students, and more.
We enjoy the support we receive from our community and would never want to exclude anyone from being apart of the AWR PTA. We want to make sure everyone knows there is a place for them in the PTA and here are some suggestions of events you can participate in if you are a working parent:
Someone Special Dance, Movie Night, Spelling Bee, Facebook, Website, PJ Bingo, PTA Membership, Reading Rams, Room Parent, Sixth Grade Committee, Spring Fling, Spirit Wear, Talent Show, Yearbook
These are all the committees where you can attend or just help in the background. For example, the Spring Fling chair needs help in so many different areas which only includes tracking information, typing up information, managing information, all which can be done on your own time.